
West Seattle Blog… | Video: overflow quantity for poetry! Madison MS student Salon in the West Seattle Realty is organized

(Photo with the kind permission of West Seattle Realty by Kevin Broväeit)

That was just a part of the amount that filled the West Seattle Realty (WSB sponsor) Front room event area last night like Madison Middle School presented the first of two “community poetry salons”. Dozens of students presented poems that they had learned by heart. educator Robin Russell described it as “a celebration of poetry and the persistence it takes to emphasize the ability to memorize and the art of recitation”. We were there for part of the salon and drew a sample of student readings with poems, both contemporary and classic:

If you were not part of the last night's overflow quantity, make it again in two weeks on Sunday, March 16. West Seattle Realty is on the ground floor of the Admiral Station Apartmentsopposite HiawathaAt 2715 California SW.

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