
Westport companies benefit from decades of traditions to St. Patrick's Day

Kansas City, Mo – Westport and St. Patrick's Day go hand in hand – like Corned Beef and Kohl.

St. Patrick's Day Parade from Westport has gone to Broadway since 2009, making the business district a first -class location for observing and enjoying the vacation.

A company can testify to the effects and fun of being in Westport 17 year after year: Kelly's Westport Inn.

Kelly's pride has been showing his Irish pride for 78 years. Co-owner Kyle Kelly said that St. Patrick's Day was on the heels of the Big 12 tournament for his bar for a few weeks.

Claire Bradshaw/KSHB

Kyle Kelly, co -owner of Kelly's Westport Inn

“It's crazy. It is not just a great sales day, but the people we only see one day from the year and they come back to Westport on the Patty Day. So it's a very special day, ”said Kelly.

According to Tia Simpson, Manager from Westport Special Events, the tradition of the keys. Therefore, you can expect a similar experience year after year.

Tia Simpson

Claire Bradshaw/KSHB

Tia Simpson, Westport Special Events Manager

“There are many people who have been in this area for a very long time. So you build, you work so hard to build an authentic experience that is unique, ”said Simpson.

Building on this tradition this year, the terrace is a business expansion of bar and rec.

Taylor guess

Claire Bradshaw/KSHB

Taylor Guess, Marketing Manager.

“We are happy to work with other Westport companies and really feed on each other. Many people are now coming to Westport and it really grows,” said Taylor Guess, Marketing Manager.

Probably said their food and drink were delivered via semi-sip and everything was hands for the staff.

A tip from the professionals if this is her first St. Patrick's Day in Westport:

“Be ready. Be on the hat,” said Kelly by laughing.

“Expect the experience you have had beforehand, which is fun and good energy, great times,” said Simpson

Information about the parade and the route can be founded.