
What are the change of equipment for the Florida Swing professionals?

With the cognizant Classic this week, the PGA tour has left its early season on the west coast and ends up in the southeast for the annual momentum in Florida.

This also means a departure of grasses such as rye, bent and poa and a return to Bermuda grass, as the professionals can find this week at PGA National.

As a result of “fully equipped” this week, co-moderator KRES MCCORMACK, who is in the cognizant in Palm Beach Gardens, reported to the MIT moderator colleagues Wadeh Maroun about the changes that many professionals have made this week in order to take into account the change in the grass. Especially with wedge.

McCormack said that many PGA tour veterans are already familiar with what to do, and it often requires to rise in jump and use more wedges by Sandy Bermuda lie.

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Jack Hirsh

“It is somehow cool, the training greens through the training and also on the golf course and observes creativity that some of these players have with their short game and their wedges,” he said. “And I only look in envy and wish I could take some of the pictures that these boys hit.”

Maroun pointed out that it is easier for professionals to choose because Tour Trucks has on site until Wednesday, and McCormack added that the loop wheels ran hot this week and the players adapted the soles of their wedges.

“Only work on wedge shapes, work on sole and take a little material, shape the front edge, to form the back edge, to do the heel reliefs correctly,” said McCormack. “Every truck I made only buzzed with wedges. And I mean, that's pretty typical with the swing in Florida. “

And for most of these adjustments – 90 percent guess McCormack – these are not changes in stocks. They are necessary changes.

“You will literally let a caddy come or the tour representative will come in and you will only come in and” Oh yes, I have to take a little more off my heel, “said McCormack.” “Or I have to take some off the front or take some of the tracking.” Or this certain player likes to beat dead hands with a face.

“You look at some of these wedges after you have come off the bike and it is exactly like: 'Wow! How that is an aggressive angle, “or” likes “yes, I have never seen anything like this from the point of view, and it works in my pocket.”

Further information from McCormack and Maroun can be found here in the complete episode of Golfs “fully equipped” here or look at them below.

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