
What determines an examination of the Auditor of the state Ohio? | Legally seen

According to the state examiner, documents regarding the Commissioner Anita Lopez were collected to determine whether an investigation is initiated.

Toledo, Ohio-after the new evaluation errors in Lucas County, the state MP Josh Williams (R-Sylvania TWP.) Called for an investigation by the state auditor Keith Faber in the former auditor of Lucas County and the current district commissioner Anita Lopez. Williams claims that Lopez “intentionally [undervalued] Characteristics.”

Relationships: Estimated costs, timeline of the review process to re -assess Lucas County, which was announced during the press conference on Friday

Now the state auditor's office announced that it had received the necessary documents in order to start the review process in Williams' claims against Lopez. The review dictates potential next steps, if available, the state can require you to investigate.

So what's next? Here is a breakdown of what an examination of the auditor deserves and what the process looks like.

What does an examination of the state of Ohio earn?

The Special Investigations Unit of the Ohio Auditor examines fraud allegations that deal with public funds or non -compliance within the government. Williams believes that Lopez undervalued the real estate throughout Lucas County during her time as a district auditor, who inflated the tax values ​​of 1,441 properties in 2024.

The current auditor of Lucas County, Katie Moline, explained that the inflated values ​​could be attributed to a program of third -party providers.

Examination process

  1. Get a tip: The first step in an investigation by the state auditor is that public employees or private individuals submit a tip to non -compliance. According to the auditing office, Williams submitted a tip in relation to Lopez and their alleged participation in the assessment of the real estate. While hundreds of tips are submitted throughout the state every year, many do not lead to an examination.
  2. Evaluation of a tip: The Special Audit Taskforce, which consists of auditors and investigators, will evaluate the tips obtained. If the Task Force determines that a tip falls under the authority of the auditing office and includes a probable fraud, theft or non -compliance, she forwards the tip to SIU for further review. William's tip is currently located here.
  3. Special examination begins: A special audit, in which financial documents and other information on the examination of fraud allegations are checked to a limited extent, is started. Special audits can be independent exams or are carried out during a regular financial examination.
  4. Special investigation begins: Special investigators collect information that is not easily available during the special audit. This includes articles that have to be obtained through lectures such as bank statements or credit card statements. At this point, the investigators can start carrying out interviews with the interviews involved in the alleged misconduct.
  5. Prosecutors determine whether there is a case: As soon as all information has been collected, special auditors and investigators will work with county or federal prosecutors to determine the next steps. A case file is created when the case goes to court.

At the time of publication, the US state of Auditor in Ohio did not set a true misconduct of Lopez in relation to the new evaluation problems in Lucas County. A pending investigation by SIU must be forwarded to prosecutors who determine whether the case should be brought to court or not. It is not yet known whether William's tip will lead to an examination.