
What is the green cork spray? More about the fire protection product

Since many start preparing their houses for increasing dangers, a local product already protects home owners in Arizona from fires.

Phoenix – Now that it is almost spring, the running fire season is just around the corner.

Since many start preparing their houses for increasing dangers, a local product already protects home owners in Arizona from fires.

Green Cork Spray was produced in Phoenix and is a similar outer coating as color. Cork is the outer bark of the Cork oak. According to Randy Bailey, founding partner of Green Cork Products, Cork is 100 percent natural and recyclable. Green Cork Spray is a sustainable, cheaper alternative to cement base.

You will see new houses throughout the valley, which was built with this durable material. However, green cork spray can be applied to any existing structure.

“We are really the only product in North America that has this sustainability, renewability and then also has this fire rating of class A to help the fire procurement of all kinds of structure this fact that one house burns less,” said Bailey.

He is on a mission. In addition to the protection of life and property, Bailey helps others publish different types of fires – insurance problems.

“Insurance companies see the risk of a fire so high that they either significantly increase the premiums for homeowners or actually do not offer any insurance. So we hope that our product can become part of the total solution,” said Bailey. “In our recent meetings with firefighters in North Arizona, we found that there is really no document that the insurance companies can tell a homeowner who says if they do these things, we will give you insurance for the fire. We hope So work on fire professionals across the country and especially here in Arizona.

Green Cork Spray is already available and easily accessible. While it is produced in Phoenix and used all over Arizona, the product is also shipped in the USA.

“If you were in Payson or Flagstaff and have a home that you are very concerned about the risk of fire, we can literally spray this week,” said Bailey.

When arizona gets hotter and drier and the fire period becomes longer, local, sustainable products such as Green Cork Spray Houses and Structures make fire festivals.

If you want to find out more about fire festivals, visit

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