
What is the main character trend about?

Do you have “main character” energy? It has become a popular trend on social media, but goes beyond the Internet.

“Basically, it is if you are not apologetically. They concentrate on themselves and their own lives that they cannot even take care of all the poisonous, negative hatergie, and they start with romantic things in life ”has more than 200,000 views.

She also said that they treat themselves well and understand their value.

The main character trend was the topic of discussion for what is the buzz of “Live in the D”. The conversation included hosts Tati Amare, host Shea Hicks-Whitfield as well as Vanessa Cohen, co-founder of the Cohen brand and the creator of Motor City City Date Night, and Gwen Jimmer, who is the CEO of Naturalicious.

First, Tati asked the group whether they were trying to hand over the main characters. Gwen and Vanessa both said that they either have the main characters or that they don't. Gwen said it must of course come.

Next, they talked about the advantages of the main characters. The conversation also included whether the release of the main characters can be taken negatively.

Finally, the group discussed to be a “side character” and certain times in life when it is important to give supporting energy instead of main characters.

“Every moment is not your moment, and sometimes you have to be the supportive friend or the background story of the foreground of someone,” said Vanessa.

Take a look at the video above to see the entire conversation.

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