
What we know 6 months later – NBC Boston

It was six months since Enrique Delgado-Garcia died.

The recruit, which was held on his deathbed as State Trooper, was hospitalized in September after participation in boxing in the Massachusetts State Police Academy in New Braintree.

His stepfather says that the family has not yet received any information about his cause of death because the investigation continues.

In a recently exclusive interview with Telemundo Nueva Inglaterra, he said his wife cries every morning and sometimes they feel powerless, but he has trust that the authorities will come to a conclusion.

Attorney General Andrea Joy Cambpell appointed the former prosecutor David Meier to lead an independent investigation of his death after the district prosecutor of Worcester County Joseph Early Jr. withdrawn because Delgado-Garcia's earlier job as a lawyer for the witness of the witness.

An investigation continues after the 25-year-old recruit of the state police died in Massachusett's last week, a day after the authorities claimed that he was no longer reacted and suffered a “medical crisis” during training tactics training. Follow NBC10 Boston:

Meier has posted eight investigators in his team with experience in local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. In a publication, he wrote the following information about each team member:

  • Lisa Holmes is a retired superintendent of the Boston Police Department, where she was a supervisor in the office for professional development of the department and the Boston Police Training Academy.
  • Thomas Larned is a former FBI deputy special agent who is responsible in the FBI Boston Field Office and is now heading his own investigative company.
  • Gretchen Lundgren is a former deputy district prosecutor in the public prosecutor's office of Suffolk County and a special lawyer from the US lawyers' office in Boston, now at the Advisory Investigative Group.
  • Kimberly Lawrence is a former senior supervisory special agent for the FBI in Worcester, now a security specialist at the investigative company of Edward Davis.
  • Norma Ayala Leong is a former deputy superintendent at the police in Boston, where she worked as a superior at the Boston Police Training Academy and the Bureau of Professional Development.
  • Paul Joyce is a former superintendent in the Boston Police Department, where he supervised the anti-gang department and criminal investigations Bureau and is currently an assistant professor for criminal justice at Salve Regina University.
  • Robert Harrington is a former police superintendent in Boston, where he was a manager in the murder unit and in the office for internal affairs.
  • Edith Ayuso is a former lawyer of witnesses to witnesses in the murder unit of the public prosecutor's office of Suffolk County and works with me during our regular meetings and discussions with the family of Mr. Delgado-Garcia.

Meier noticed that none of the members of his investigation team “had earlier or current belonging to the Massachusett police.

“When I was appointed, I undertook for the family of Enrique Delgado-Garcias to carry out the examination of his death professionally, thoroughly and responsibly. The independent examination team I work with does exactly that.

A copy of your NBC10 Boston contract from the General Prosecutor's office says that Meier receives a price of 500 US dollars an hour, while the other investigators have an hourly rate of USD per hour.

“These are people with high integrity. I expect a 100% high -quality result with high integrity,” said Jack LU, retired judge and additional faculty member of Boston College Law, who said that he was familiar with some investigators through her earlier work in law enforcement.

It has passed almost six months since the state police of Massachusett's Enrique Delgado-Garcia died of injuries that were suffered during a training exercise at the academy. In the course of the investigation, some state legislators require further information about what happened – and his stepfather, grateful for the questions of the legislators, says that they have also received no updates.

When asked about the time that was adopted without public updating the investigation, Lu said: “Sometimes they take a very long time, and that gives the proposal that the police receive special treatment. This is undesirable and for this reason they should do it faster, but they are not yet in the area in which this applies to a police investigation for a police investigation.”

“I know that the matter with the office of the Attorney General and the special investigator she assigned is together,” said Governor Maura Healey this week. “I would like to see and I agree with my entire administration to see that the examination has been completed as soon as possible so that the family gives a solution, and so we also have the final determination about what happened.”

“The Massachusetts State Police Academy plays an important role in the preparation of the next generation of soldiers to protect and serve our communities in the state,” said Colonel Geoffrey Noble, superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police. “The department has commissioned an independent assessment to give valuable insights into the way in which our training can best equip recruits in order to become highly qualified, focused soldiers. prioritize. “

Three months after the recruits of the state police of Massachusett's Enrique Delgado-Garcia died in a training exercise, his family is still waiting for answers. Follow NBC10 Boston:

The boxing program of the Massachusetts State Police Academy remains suspended. The state police added that other changes are underway, including the appointment of DET by noble. Lt. David Pinkham as the new commander of the academy.

“In this role, he will monitor the selection of teachers for the upcoming recruit training force,” said a spokesman in a statement.

The department added that it was requested by an independent assessment of your academy and focused on areas such as training methods, wear and injury rates, injury prevention, fitness standards, organizational culture, leadership and orientation with the national standards.

“In addition, the Massachusetts State Police carries out a pilot program to appease this year's recruit class, a change to improve training and operational efficiency,” added the spokesman. “Instead of a large individual class, the recruits are divided into two smaller cohorts, one of which begins in May and another in October.”