
When is the quarter -finals of the FA Cup? Date, time and how to watch

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The street to the FA Cup final will continue this weekend because 16 pages book a place in the quarter-finals.

Manchester City, Manchester United and Newcastle are one of the first -class pages that compete for a place in the last eight o'clock, with Liverpool and Arsenal already leaving the competition, while Aston Villa defeated Cardiff on Friday evening to book their place.

And Nottingham Forest, Bournemouth, Brighton and Fulham will belong to the Premier League teams who want to build on the good league shape by booking a rare date in Wembley in April.

Preston defeated Burnley Burnley on Saturday to reach the quarter -finals when Crystal Palace was sitting in front of the neighbors in Südlondon Millwall.

Giant-Killers Plymouth want to make you better if you can be seen in the fourth round Liverpool, while Manchester United tries to save something from an embarrassing season while competing against Fulham.

When is the draw for the FA Cup quarter-finals?

After completing the game between Manchester United and Fulham on Sunday, March 2, the FA Cup is in Old Trafford. It will probably start after 6.30 p.m. GMT.

How to see the FA Cup to see

The draw takes place live as part of the transfer of the game between United and Fulham. It will also stream live on the BBC IPlayer.

Who qualified for the FA Cup quarter-finals?

In the fifth round, eight ties take place in the fifth round before the quarter-finals. The pages in the quarter -finals are already:

  • Aston Villa
  • Crystal palace
  • Preston North End

FA Cup Fifth-round devices

Below you will find the ties completely:

Friday, February 28th

Aston Villa 2-0 Cardiff City – 8 p.m., ITV1

Saturday, March 1st

Crystal Palace 3-1 millwall – 12.15 p.m., BBC One

Preston North End 3-0 Burnley – 12.15 p.m., BBC Red Button

Manchester City against Plymouth Argyle – 5.45 p.m., ITV4

Sunday, March 2nd

Newcastle against Brighton – 1.45 p.m., ITV11

Manchester United against Fulham – 4.30 p.m., BBC One

Monday, March 3rd

Nottingham Forest against Ipswich Town – 7.30 p.m., ITV4

When does the FA Cup quarter-finals take place?

According to the official website of the FA website, the bonds of the quarter-finals are to take place on the weekend of Saturday, March 29th.

The semi -finals will then be booked for Wembley on the weekend of April 26th. The final will take place on Saturday, May 17th.