
When is your bills Freedom Day? Online paper calculator reveals the date that you have to work this year to pay off all your bills

Today is “Bills Freedom Day” – the date on which a typical British has to work until it covers the costs of its annual budget calculations.

The average British worker has earned enough money by March 1 to pay off all domestic bills for 2024, without rent, mortgages or food.

A typical employee will spend £ 4,867 for invoices for energy, tax, water, broadband, mobile phones, insurance and entertainment subscriptions.

This means that the average Brit worked for 61 days this year just to cover your bills.

With increasing prices, the Bills Freedom Day creeps in later in the year. In 2025 it arrived three days later than in 2024 when it fell on February 29.

According to the National Statistics office, the average annual salary in Great Britain is 37,222 GBP, which is an annual salary of 29,222 GBP after taxes and pension contributions.

Based on a household with two adults, almost 1,000 GBP per person with energy bills, more than 1,000 GBP for the taxes of the Council, 400 GBP for mobile devices and more than 300 GBP for water.

With additional expenses such as entertainment subscriptions, insurance and repairs of the household and the total costs for the invoices worth one year, the TakeHome content of 61 days is 4,867 GBP per person.

Now a new calculator, which was created exclusively for Mailonline by, can show when your day of the invoices will fall Freedom Day.

Enter your information in this calculator here to find out the day of your Bills Freedom Freedom:

Household financing expert and CEO from Nous.

'And it gets worse. With increasing costs, the Bills Freedom Day sneaks later and later.

“What makes it even more painful is that most of us pay much more than we need for our essential bills.

No wonder it is complicated, boring and difficult.

“Unfortunately, our suppliers know this and use it from an advantage. It's not fair – and that's why we started nous at all.

“We save a typical household of around £ 500 a year for your bills, which means that less is swallowed up by your hard -earned salary.”

Mr. Marsh asked the people to save money for their bills by using online tools and gave a number of tips based on data that was summarized by his company:

Mobile phones

On mobile invoices, he encouraged households that no longer have a contract to switch to a cheap SIM-NUR offer.

The average British worker has earned enough money by March 1st to pay off all domestic bills for 2024 (file picture)

Mr. Marsh said that the average monthly mobile radio bill for 3 GB, if you do not have a contract, is 31.79 GBP according to his data.

SIM-NUR offers that offer 3 GB data are available for £ 5 per month and save £ 321 per year.


According to Mr. Marsh, more than seven million broadband customers are from a contract and probably too much to be paid.

Households that are no longer in the amount of 59.75 GBP per month for 20 Mbit / s pay an average of 20 Mbit / s.

Similar offers are available for only 24 GBP per month, a saving of 429 GBP per year.


If fewer people live in their household as a bedroom, you can save money on your water bill with a water knife.

Estimated invoices are usually drawn up in accordance with the number of rooms in your house. So if this is the case, you probably use less than the estimate.


Most households can save at least 126 pounds per year on their energy bills – without undertaking on a fixed contract, said Marsh.

Mr. Marsh asked people to save money for their bills with the help of online tools (file picture).

Mr. Marsh asked people to save money for their bills with the help of online tools (file picture).

He said that Nous members who change, will decrease their bills when the price limit in April will drop in April and will also be made aware of new offers when they are available.

Council tax

The sole adult households are exposed to much higher bills than couples or shareholders.

Mr. Marsh said everyone who is the only adult in his house is entitled to a 25 percent discount on his taxes – and can apply for the discount on the website of your local authority.

Car insurance

Due to car and house insurance, households clear hundreds more than necessary, said Marsh.

He added that switching from providers or when having a contract, when a contract comes to an end, can save significant amounts.

TV package

If you are converted from the standard netflix package to the ad version, save £ 6 per month or £ 72 per year.

How much does the average British calculation cost?

Average budget calculations
The invoice Typical invoice per person and year
mobile £ 405.96
Broadband (half -household costs) £ 254.04
Energy costs (half -household costs) £ 869.00
Council tax (half -household costs) £ 1.085.50
Water (half household costs) £ 301.50
TV license (half -household costs) £ 87.25
Netflix (half -household costs) £ 107.94
Disney+ (half -household costs) £ 53.94
Amazon Prime (half -household costs) £ 47.50
Spotify £ 143.88
Car insurance £ 834.00
Pet insurance (half -household costs) £ 194.50
House insurance (half -household costs) £ 114.00
Mobile insurance £ 160.00
Maintenance/ repairs (half -household costs) £ 208.00
Total per person £ 4.867.01