
When, where and how you check

Bihar class 12 results 2025: The Bihar Board's intermediate tests have been completed and the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has also published the response key. Students who appeared for examination were allowed to raise objections to the response key by March 5. BSEB chairman Anand Kishore recently announced that the examination results of class 12 would be declared for 2025 in the last week of March. The intermediate examinations were carried out in two layers from 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. from February 1st to 15th.

In a social media post on X (formerly Twitter) on February 28, the board informed the students that in the 2025 intermediate examination for art, science, science and professional courses, 50% of the overall grades consisted of lenses in all theoretical subjects. The candidates had to use OMR response sheets for all topics.

“In order to evaluate the answers provided by the candidates, a team of specialist experts appointed by the board created the reply key for all subjects. These response keys are read on the official message on the official website.

“If a person (including candidates) has any objections to the response key for the objective questions on the website of the board, you can register your objections on March 5, 2025 to 5:00 p.m.. Objections can be initiated via the” Register Obent ” -Thard part.” In addition, the message added.

On the day of the results, the board will hold a press conference to officially announce the results, including the names of the Topper, the Pass percentages and other key details. After completing the press conference, the result link is activated on the board's official website so that the students can check their results by entering the required details.

About 12.92 LAKH students appeared for class 12 exams in 1,677 centers in Bihar. Among the 12,92,313 registered students were 6.41,847 girls and 6.50,466 boys.

In every theoretical subject, the students have to evaluate at least 33% and 40% in practice. Those who achieve less than 33% in more than two subjects will not exist.

In 2024, 12,91,684 students took the exam and reached a total passport share of 87.21%. The Science Stream recorded a passport percentage of 87.80%, trade students 94.88%and the Arts -Stream registered 86.15%.

The Bihar Board Class 12 tests ended last year on February 12, and the results were announced 40 days later, March 23. Similarly, the exams began in 2023 on February 11th and the results were explained on March 21, which marked a 38-day gap.

How to check BSEB class 12 results 2025

Visit the official website of the BSEB,
Click the “Class 12” or “Interim result” on the homepage.
Enter the required login information such as your roll number and roller code.
Send the information to access your result.
Download the result and take an expression of future reference.

How do you check the results of the BIHAR board test on the results of the NDTV results?

NDTV has started a special page on which all students who wrote the Bihar Board exams this year help.

Steps to check the results:

  • Visit the page to check the result.
  • A tab indicates the results for class 10 and class 12.
  • Enter your roll number together with other details in the room provided.
  • As soon as the correct details have been entered, the result of class 12 is displayed on the screen

The latest updates of the BSEB Intermediate results should regularly attend students on the official website of the board and follow their social media channels.