
Where can you stream Creighton against Depaul Men Basketball live tonight; Is the game on TV?

Today's Big East basketball shows the Creighton Bluejays that the Depaul Blue Demons accept. Creighton is second in the Big East classification, whereby Depaul is looking for an increase after an increase at the end of the conference when the season expires. Tipoff is On Wednesday, February 26, at 4 p.m. PT/7 p.m. ET (6 p.m. CT), February 26, available Only stream on peacocks.

REGARD: The only way to see Creighton Bluejays against Depaul Blue Demons is the Peacock Premium, the inexpensive streaming service from NBC. If you learn more about Peacock and how you have to bring it to your TV for this game, we have covered you with our Peacock streaming guide.

On which TV channel is today's Big East College Basketball game?

When: Tip is on Tuesday, February 26, at 4 p.m. PT/7 p.m. ET (6 p.m. CT).

Where: Chi Health Center Omaha | Omaha, ne

Which TV channel is the game on? Peacock is not a TV channel and there is no television program for this game. This game is only available to see live streaming on Peacock.

How to see the game stream live: You have to register for Peacock Premium ($ 7.99/month) to see this game live on your television, computer, telephone or tablet with the Peacock app. To register, follow the registration instructions on the Peacock homepage, and it leads you through the steps to register quickly. As soon as you have registered, you can download the Peacock app (for Apple/iOS or for Google Android) and register on your phone, computer, smart TV or other streaming devices.

Creighton BlueJays against Depaul Blue Demons Spread, the latest bets

Money line: Crei: -2000 | Dep: +1000

Point distribution: Crei: -16.5 | Dep: +16.5

About/below: 145.5

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