
Whitter sweeps softball to complete the spring break

Whittier, California. – Washington University in St. Louis Softball Team swept Whittier on Sunday afternoon to end your Spring Break trip. The bears return home with a 13: 4 record while they are ready to open the UAA game.

Game 1: Washu 4, Whittier 1
The bears took 3-0 in third place. With an out, senior Maggie Baumstark first reached after an error. senior Erin Rearon Drilled a Homer with two runs that brought in with a tree for the 2-0 lead. With two outs, senior Natalia Pilpil raised in the middle and senior Taylor lunched followed with another single in the middle. Junior Sydney Schneider Drawn to the left and reached second place at the throw and achieved Pilpil.

Whittier scored his lonely run of the game at the end of the fourth inner. Maya Palos performed with a single center. Arianna Salazar doubled the right field line and rose to third place at the throw. Daniella Contreras first achieved a mistake and scored Salazar for the 3-1 game.

Washu recorded his last run in the top of the fifth inner. REARDON reached the Basi Kennedy Grippo The base reached a mistake of the jug before steel the second. Pilpil hit a victim fly to the midfield and achieved Reardon.

Pilpil ended 2: 3 with a run and a RBI. REARDON went 2: 4 with two RBIs and two runs achieved, while gazed 2: 3. Schneider finished 1: 3 with an RBI.

Sophomore Maria Brooks Received her first win of the season in a circle and scored a complete game with three goals, a run, four strikeouts and a walk.

Game 2: Washu 6, Whittier 2
Whittier came out to achieve two runs in the end of the first inner. Kelly Nutter was hit by a field to pay. With an out, Palos was also hit by a field. Salazar loaded the middle to load the bases, and Alyssa Bolden reached the basis for the choice of a field player when the bears got out of strength at home. Both Palos and Salazar scored on a wild field for the 2-0 lead.

The bears scored four runs in the top of the third inning. Starked with a single through the left side with a single and Reardon reached the choice of a field player. senior Brooke Capparelli Too short and pilpil collected in the right middle to load the bases. Looked off the middle and scored Reardon for the first game of the bears.

Graduate senior Dawson dabboussi Designed to the left center to achieve both Capparelli and Pilpil, which asked a new pitcher for the poets. Schneider raised the middle and achieved it with you to make it a 4-2 game.

In the sixth inning junior Alexa Hanish Holded through the left side with a single. Starked a victim to drive Hanish. Rearon doubled to the right field to bring two runners to the goal position and the first year Emma DowN Distributed on the left and achieved Hanish for a guidance of 5-2 bears.

Washu added another run in his final flat. With two outs, Grippo doubled to the left center and scored through the left side with a Hanish single.

Pilpil ended the 2: 3 with a run, while Hanish went with a run and a RBI 2-to-3. REARDON was 2: 4 with a run, and lined with a run and a RBI 2-to-4.

senior Jamie Burgasser Received the victory and scored a complete game with four goals, two runs, without walks and four strikeouts.

The bears are back home on Friday and Saturday to open the UAA time plan against Case Western Reserve University. The first game is planned on Friday afternoon at 3 p.m., followed by a double header that will be dismantled on Saturday at 12 noon, which will serve as a hidden opponent (ThO).