
Why more Americans turn to video games – and what it means for brands

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When the third rooms disappear, the well -being of well -being and fewer Americans have the urge to go out, video games become increasingly a port. Civicscience data show that games at record highs continue to play at record heights -59% of the US -growing games, at least occasionally “occasionally”, which corresponds to the highest level since the start of tracking in 2012. While the overall game of 2024 remains stable, “Daily” games has gradually driven itself since 2022, including one percentage point compared to one percentage point compared to 2024.

Players are not surprisingly younger – 42% of those over 45 who occasionally play video games compared to 78% of the age of 45. Men and women are almost equally players, but women have the easy advantage of daily players (24% to 23%).

The Americans turn to gaming and the stress

What drives the high percentage of the Americans to turn to video games? Additional data show that the majority (53%) of the Americans who quote to relax and relax and relax, (40%) or as a “form of flight” (13%) as the main reason why they play video games. This is followed by “entertainment/immersive environment” (28%), while “community and the connection with others” (9%), “competition and challenge” (6%) and “because I are good in them” (3%) are much less frequent motivators.

The data also show that women have increased the time they play a day compared to men (31% to 28%). In view of the general well-being of the Americans, these increases are not surprising, especially so close to half of the women's gamers (46%) they say that they are only picked up for stress.

Use this data: Civilcience customers use such data to understand the motivations of your customers who may drive changes in behavior that could affect storage and growth.

Mobile playing takes the crown, especially among Americans over 45

When it comes to the type of video game, mobile games are the clear leader in terms of the style of video games that Americans play most frequently, largely from players who are over 45 years old. Open-World Exploration and Story-controlled single player games follow and are usually the most popular for those under 45. In particular, the type of games they play is quite split.

Answer our survey: Do you play “Cozy Games” to relax and relax?

Why games should be on the radar of the brands

Video games are certainly not a new border for advertising, but as Civicscience data show, they are a way that brands should not overlook –Up to 39% of the players say that their purchase decisions are at least “something” influenced by advertising, which can be seen in video games or by brand advertising in connection with video games. But “impact” can also mean negatively, which means that brands that are considering to get into the playing area ensure that they know what to do with the players they want to achieveClick here To learn more about how Civicscience can help).

Players of certain game types react more to advertisements related to games than others. For example, 53% of the story-driven single player games and 49% of the exploration players with an open world are at least somewhat influenced. Online multi -player games also achieve higher, probably due to frequent advertising campaigns in titles such as Call of Duty and Fortnite. In contrast, mobile players are the least appealing, probably due to the oversaturation of ads in the game that can reduce their effects.

Let us know: Personally, “Speedrun” video games or do you look at other Speedrun games as a hobby?

Since video games continue to serve as a stress relief outlet and as a potential advertising option, brands that players want to include must carefully navigate the room. With different levels of receptivity in the gaming genres, the understanding of the motivations and preferences of players of players will be crucial in order to establish sensible connections in an increasingly urgent and influential industry.