
Why Oregon Football is a “strange veteran team”

Eugene – one of Dan Lannings Mantras is: “If you are good enough, you are old enough.” While Lanning and his employees have certainly shown the willingness to rely on younger players who have the talent early, Oregon will probably put these words into practice this autumn than at any time of his term.

The Ducks have only 11 seniors of scholarships and four walk -in hikes in significant roles and 18 juniors on a squad that are now 100% players during the Lanning term at UO. Most seniors are transfers, including three offensive Linemen, two defenders and a recipient in this low season, and five out of 18 juniors started their career elsewhere.

“We added boys to our squad who had experience in other places, but have no experience in this crime and here in Oregon,” said offensive coordinator Will Stein. “It's like a strange veteran team because there is not much production, but there are people who played a good amount of football. It will be a challenge to make people ready by September, but I'm looking forward to it. I think we added depth where we had to. “