
Within Tennessees notorious AR15 provider church

Follow the leader Is a four -part Docuseries that examines various marginal cultures across America, starting with Vigilant Predator Hunters in the first episode and continued with the “Passport Bros” in the second segment.

In every mini documentary, Host Jamali Maddix speaks to managers and members of these groups to explore their driving forces and basic values. In the third and last episode of Follow the leaderJamali traveled to Tennessee to speak to Pastor Hyung-Jin “Sean” Moon and the Rod of Iron Ministries to examine the AR15 community.

Video from Vice

Pastor Sean is not only the figurehead of the Stange of Iron Ministries, also known as the Heiligtumskirche, he is the son of Reverend Moon, the self -proclaimed second Messiah and founder of the United States Association in Korea. In addition to the cultivation of a close -meshed, trumpet community in Tennessee, he is also a rapper who creates content that pushes right -wing extremist propaganda.

Some of his sermons include anti-left feelings, one of which is one of them: “The cult of the left keeps women unmarried because unmarried women become severe leftists.”

And of course like anti-LGBTQ beliefs like: “Love is not love. God is love … and God has anger against those who sin. “

These influences bleed in all aspects of the life of this worshiper, especially when it comes to marriage. Couples will match their families, and their wedding receptions take place in the weapon area and have more AR-15 than you can imagine.

Members of the Rod of Iron Ministries go into the extreme to prove their faith and loyalty, and some offer their biological children to other members. Many have also lost contact – or even cut off – with different beliefs/contradictory lifestyles.

Follow the leader is only available in the United States, but in its entirety shared on the Vice Youtube Canal. To learn more about the Stange of Iron Ministries, you can watch the third episode below. To learn more about the series, read our interview with Jamali.