
Woman who is seen on video step dog during the neighboring dispute in Pittsburg

A disturbing act of cruelty to animals was caught on video in Pittsburg.

During a dispute, the video shows a woman who kicks a dog called Gigi and flies the animal into the air and then into a planter.

The dog's owner, Albert Lopes, saw how she picks up his dog when she screams with pain.

“I see the injuries that Gigi in,” Lopes told KTVU on Wednesday.

Dog suffers liver and leg injuries

What we know:

Gigi, a 10-year-old Japanese chin and papillon mix, suffered liver and leg damage. It weighs less than £ 3.

“She hit a planter where it landed,” said Lopes. “She hit it, just fell down, was around upside down and screamed.”

The incident occurred last week, one day after Lopes' neighbor had withdrawn to his property in some plants. The woman's daughter confronted Lopes and accused him of shouting on her mother.

Lopes said to KTVU that he was not screaming, but raised his voice because she couldn't hear him. On the video, the woman's daughter says: “You scream my mom over there?”

“I didn't scream,” replied Lopes.

The discussion became more heated. Lopes then tells the woman who is with her daughter.

“Stop from my property!” he said.

The two contested and the mother told her daughter that she should kick the dog with an explosive.

“She flew, I call the four, five foot in the air,” said Lopes.

Lopes said the daughter called out a weapon from her car and he called the police.

Reaction of mother and daughter

Lopes said that the mother and daughter had smiled after Gigi had kicked.

“And the dog football himself grated and mocked this sound,” he said. “If you enlarge this video, take a look at your expression, you pretend that you have won the lottery.”

Lopes published the surveillance video on social media, and the incident was outraged. With the help of the public, the Pittsburg police said that it had identified the attacker in the video, but no arrests were reported.

On Wednesday, Lopes Gigi picked up in Lafayette after her third vet visit.

The dog still suffers from neck pain, most likely on an injured disc.

“I would have felt more comfortable if they had hit me or [thrown] Something with me or beating me up. I would feel more comfortable with it, “he said.” But instead they have beaten up a dog that is so innocent. “

What you can do:

Lopes has set up a gofundme to cover the veterinary laws.

Henry Lee is a KTVU crime reporter. Email to henry at and follow him on Twitter @Henrykleklektu and

The source: Interviews, surveillance video together with information from the Pittsburg police authority.

Pittsburgcrime files with Henry Lee