
Women do not want to make the first date in these 5 restaurants

Whether you believe it or not, it is still in 2025 to make an actual physical, personal date with someone.

But where? Where do people go dates in modern times?

Tikok users have put together a list of places that do women not They want to be recorded on the first date and the top 5 on the list are important chain restaurants.

Olive Garden is No. 5 on the no-no list.

According to women, it is a big nr. Who would have thought that a nice conversation over a basket with unlimited bread bars and a huge salad bowl that is filled with smelly onions would not be your first choice for a first impression?

At No. 4: Chipotle. This should be obvious to a man not to take a woman on a first date. Nothing against chipotle, but in a place where you order from the counter is probably not the place where you want to take a lady you want to impress.

Chilis is located on this now viral list. While this may be a great place for a couple that is already well established-or some gal friends who are looking for a quick meal-women want to be very clear that there is no place for a first date for triple diving starters.

No. 2 resembles No. 3: Applebee's. This could have something to do with the fact that it is simply not a creative decision to take a woman with a first date, as it is more of a family restaurant.

But the number 1, where you should never take a woman on the first date, is more surprising.

Apparently women don't want to go to the cheesecake factory if they just get to know you and we are somehow confused.

It is the highest restaurant on this list, and there are so many options to choose from whether you want it to only be drinks and dessert, some coffee or a full meal.

The atmosphere in the cheesecake factory also seems to be a normal conversation – it is not too loud, but not too quiet where it would be uncomfortable.

But women seem to agree, it is not where they want to be on a first date.

24 Country stars with their own bars + restaurants

It is the most suitable of all secondary artists in which artists could participate – and very often. After all, many of these stars had their start in a bar stool, tips nearby and played their music for everyone who would listen.

These places feel at home for many of these singers. Several artists have come into the bar or restaurant game over the years, and for a few brands have turned into franchise companies with several locations and/or concepts – we look at them, Jimmy Buffett!

Let's take a look at the Country Star Food and Entertainment locations that have been opened over the years.

Gallery loan: Jess

Rip: 40 Country singer and songwriter who died too early

These country singers had so much more to give. See 40 Country singer who died far too early: Keith Whitley, Mindy McCreeady, Troy Gentry and more.

Gallery credit: Billy Dukes