
Xavier Worthy had an ice-cold reaction to Isaiah Bond, which could not break a 40-yard dash record

On Saturday afternoon there were many eyes to the recipient of Texas, Isaiah Bond after the incoming draft bravely explained his plans to operate the fastest 40 yard dash in the NFL combination history. For this purpose, he had to run a 4.2, which would defeat the 4.21 record of Xavier Worthy just a year ago.

Unfortunately, he was unable to secure his words for Bond, and in two attempts with 4.39 what is still very quick, but obviously not up to date. And if such a proclamation falls flat, the counter reaction begins. As well as the gloating from the current record holder.

Shortly after Bond could not break the record of Worthy, the chiefs tweeted Widmout: “I am quickly.”

A well-deserved Victory round for Worthy, who drives another year as the fastest player for the 40 Yard dash in the NFL combine harvester.