
“You were cool, of course you are wrong”

Since concept art for Avengers: Doomsday (set for a publication of 2026) and Avengers: Secret Warss (After 2027) the fans appeared online and speculated whether it is real, a false leak from someone who pretends to be a Marvel artist, or as a conscious step of the studio to build hype. Now the directors of both films, the Russo Brothers, have finally addressed the leaked concept art.

In a recent interview with The Hollywood reporterThe Russo brothers have made it clear that the recently spread Avengers: Doomsday Concept art is not real and adds that there is nothing to spoil because it is not your work of art. The revelation triggered mixed reactions among fans – some were relieved because they did not like the designs while others were disappointed because they loved them.

Hilarious fan reactions

The fans had many funny reactions to the reaction of the Russo brothers to the leaks and wasted no time to share them online.

“You were cool, of course wrong,” wrote a fan.

All the leaked concept of the concept looked incredibly cool for the fans. Of course, the leaks have to be wrong – at least after the funny attitude of this fan. If you were only boring and pulled with dirty colored pencils!

“This is the clever wrong title that confused everyone and guessing the fans,” said another.

Aha, we see what they are doing, Russo Brothers – to bring out a clever false title to guess everyone just to blow them up in the cinemas with something completely unexpected. Classic textbook trick, but this user found them out!

Sure … (about @moviemediax / x)

Looks like many fans believe that conceptual art for leaks for Avengers: Doomsday were actually real. If this is the case, the rejection of the leaks by the Russo brothers could hide the extreme nervousness under it – because they now have to make the film look completely different from the leaks!

“You should have occupied the Peaky Blinder Tom as Dr. Doom,” said a fan.

It seems Peaky BlindersPlayed by Cillian Murphy.

“Or it could be possible that they released them and when people did not like art, they came up with the fact that they didn't do it,” believed another.

Interesting point – what if the concept art has been deliberately published to test public reactions? But wouldn't that take out the excitement if it turns out that it is true?

After days of the fan speculation and the anticipation, the Russo brothers have finally rejected the leaked concept art as a fake. Time, our imagination about what to do the characters in the characters Avengers: Doomsday Will actually look like this!