
Youth poets shine at annual cashmere -poetry -slam

Cashmere Valley Record
Media station

Cashmere – The Scouts fireplace in the Cashmere Riverside Center was filled into capacity on Thursday evening when the community gathered for the cashmere teen poetry slam 2025, which showed young literary talents and celebrated creative expression.

From a first range of 60 entries, 15 finalists were selected by a jury to present their original works in front of an audience of 108 participants. The room summed up with enthusiasm when the followers cheered the young poets.

Lucy Boyer won the value of $ 100, while Naomi Corbaley and Tommy Batanoiu received second and third place and received $ 75 and $ 50 dollars. All participants received a price of 25 US dollars for their contributions.

“Of the three years in which he volunteered, this is the best year in which the teenagers belonged to the microphone while presenting their poems,” said John McCabe, member of Judges jury. The committee together praised the quality of the work presented and found that “the poetry they heard was excellent”.

The event was a joint effort between several community organizations. The Cashmere Valley Bank sponsored the awards, while the English Department of Cashmere High School, led by Karen, worked with the cashmere library to organize the competition. Additional support came from the scouts who provided the venue and friends of the cashmere library.

In preparation for the event, friends of the library member Kathy Defazio conducted a mini -public workshop in the classroom of Community on the Cashmere High School and helped the participants build trust for their services.

The organizers would like to thank all contributors and emphasize their conviction that “all of our cashmere teenagers are winners”, which reflected the commitment of the community for the promotion of young talents.