
Zelda fans, you have to watch this free Steam download before it is gone

The Steam Next Fest has thrown many great demos for upcoming games – so many are difficult to keep up.

Such a demo that absolutely channeled the legend of Zelda will soon disappear and earns your time before it disappears.

The knight Has big Zelda vibes in progress

Major Breath of the wilderness Vibes, The knight is a 3D action adventure in which the players take control of their master Sir Lionstone.

The knight has disappeared on a quest, and it is up to them to search all the Clessia to track them down.

On the Steam page it says: “Go with only Sir Lionstone's Shield, which contains a mysterious element called Callyrium, is due to the knight to use its strength and become the next legendary hero.”

In the trailer and gifs it is clear that there is a Nintendo feeling in the world and in enemy design, but there is also a lot of originality here.

The delightful cartoon aesthetics gives everything a lavish feeling of fairy tale, and everything feels so playful.

I was already fascinated by the visual design, then I saw how the character used the shield as a weapon, glider and even used it as a sled and drove down the hill to cross the country faster.

With a decent combination of melee and Magic Slinging, the fight seems to be appealing and fluid.

I had never heard before today The knightBut it was quickly added to my Steam wish list and I have now downloaded the demo.

Whether it turns out to be as extensive as Breath of the wilderness Or not, this is one that you can keep in mind if you are a fan of the Link's open world adventure.

Unfortunately, no publication date is planned, but the production seems to be fairly advanced in view of some videos. Hopefully we'll see it this year.