
Die Geopolitik von Giorgia Meloni beginnt sich zu entwirren

Die Geopolitik von Giorgia Meloni beginnt sich zu entwirren

Das Jahr begann mit einem Knall: rassistische Einwanderungspolitik, wirtschaftlicher Umwälzungen, Regierungsangriffe auf die Justiz und ein Vorgehen gegen Aktivisten. Aber das ist nicht Donald Trumps Amerika – es ist Giorgia Melonis Italien. Nicht viel mehr als zwei Jahre, seit ihre rechtsextreme Koalition an die Macht kam, ist Melonis Regierung Italiens am längsten in einem Jahrzehnt. … Read more

UNC soccer employee loses south for the four-star-deer

UNC soccer employee loses south for the four-star-deer

Bill Belichick, head coach of UNC football in the first year and his crew, only entered the Simote Katoanga competition at the end of January. Although they were one of the top competitors for the younger Santa Margarita Catholic (California), it is no surprise that he committed elsewhere. Read too: Tar Heels lend “Big U-Hall” … Read more

Police professional | Exploitation and cuckoo of children criminal criminal to become crimes

Police professional | Exploitation and cuckoo of children criminal criminal to become crimes

Exploitation and cuckoo of children criminal criminal to become crimes Two new crimes are to be prepared as part of the crime and the police officers, make the criminal exploitation of children and the “cuckoo” illegal. February 24, 2025 By Paul Jacques The legislation is brought forward to forbid cuckoo, an extremely exploitative practice in … Read more

1Fuel (often) $ 2.3 million is top trend ICO, Sol & Near Price Sieben

1Fuel (often) $ 2.3 million is top trend ICO, Sol & Near Price Sieben

Solana and Near Protocol continue to struggle with price volatility, so that investors are looking for opportunities with high growth. 1Fuel (OFF) dominates the pre-sale scene and collects over $ 2.3 million because the excitement builds on the revolutionary cross-chain trading platform. Analysts predict a potential increase to USD 1.20 after the start and make … Read more