
Ryujins Ryoji Shinomoto to publish children of the Bodom Tribute album “Children of Bushido” in April

Ryujins Ryoji Shinomoto to publish children of the Bodom Tribute album “Children of Bushido” in April

Ryoji Shinomoto ((Ryujin) has announced a new one Bodom children Tributalbum with the name Children of Bushido. The record is published by Napalm Records On April 18 you will find his first single, a cover of “Lake Bodom”, below. Shinomoto commented on the album: Alexi Laiho – an extraordinary rock star, guitar hero and composer … Read more

Hawaii's first girl -Flaggen -Foot season for the girl's flags is ready to get on the way

Hawaii's first girl -Flaggen -Foot season for the girl's flags is ready to get on the way

Honolulu (Hawaiinewsnow) -It is a milestone week for the Hawaii High School Athletics because the first football season of the state of Girls Flag football begins. At the weekend, the Hawaii High School Athletic Association and Seattle Seahawks organized two clinics before the upcoming opening season. “It is a great feeling to know that you … Read more