
Ist dein Zuhause trassig? Top Innenarchitekten nennt die drei Trends für gut – und der unerwartete Stil springt in der Beliebtheit in die Höhe

Ist dein Zuhause trassig? Top Innenarchitekten nennt die drei Trends für gut – und der unerwartete Stil springt in der Beliebtheit in die Höhe

Das Innenarchitektur befindet sich inmitten einer großen Erschütterung, und drei einst beliebte Trends sind offiziell in Ungnade gefallen. Laut Temple und Webster Interior Pro Lucy Sutherland dreht sich 2025 alles um warme, ausdrucksstarke und Räume, die eine gewisse Persönlichkeit widerspiegeln – was den Tod von Minimalismus, kühlt getöntem Innenraum und übermäßig koordinierten Räumen markiert. “Wir … Read more

On which luggage did Dababy open in the viral airport video? Smart, mobile suitcase explored

On which luggage did Dababy open in the viral airport video? Smart, mobile suitcase explored

Two videos from Dababy Cruising on a suitcase have become viral after the rapper uploaded them to Instagram on February 27th. The 33-year-old rapper was seen in a clip Tweaker Play in the background. The caption was: “Russia in OTW 🇷🇺🛴💨.” The video quickly achieved traction and collected over 200,000 likes and 23,000 reshares. The … Read more

The video game that the climate apocalypse looks good

The video game that the climate apocalypse looks good

Almost a hundred years ago, Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. and Harland Bartholomew designed a master plan for the city of Los Angeles, who pulled a ring around the river. The plan dealt with its concern about the rapid urbanization of cities in the west, which often pushed nature into the outskirts. By centering the river … Read more

Record ROE and dividend …

Record ROE and dividend …

Equity return (ROE): 25.4% for the fourth quarter; 19.4% for the whole year. Net wealth value (NAV) per share: Increased to $ 31.65, a record high. Total investment: $ 140.4 million for the fourth quarter, an increase of 8.6% compared to the previous year. Dividend increase: The total dividends rose by 6% and 11% for … Read more