
State representatives are urging February 14 Frederick Douglass Day

State representatives are urging February 14 Frederick Douglass Day

MP Jennifer Word, who represents Hillsdale, with the Douglass statue on campus. With kind permission Jonathan Meckel Michigan's celebrations on February 14th could soon extend beyond Valentine's Day, since the state's House of Representatives of the state of the representative of Rep. Jennifer Wortzz, a Republican who represents Hillsdale to recognize it as Frederick Douglass. … Read more

FBI, other agencies join the studies

FBI, other agencies join the studies

What is a quiet witness and how do you become one? Those who witnesses crimes or suspicious behavior can remain anonymous while reporting it to the police. The republic Several federal authorities have connected the Gila County sheriff office to examine the disappearance and murder of 14-year-old Emily Pike. The Bureau of Indian Affairs and … Read more

Legislative in Florida wants to finance Alzheimer's consciousness

Legislative in Florida wants to finance Alzheimer's consciousness

“Alzheimer” is experienced by almost 600,000 Floridians, which means that their families and carers are also affected. Now the legislators are looking for legislators to improve Florida's reaction. Priscilla Jean-Louis is a nurse for her mother Vera, in which Alzheimer's disease was diagnosed in 2016. “Our trip may have been completely different if I knew … Read more

Trending News + Wetter (Thursday, March 6th)

Trending News + Wetter (Thursday, March 6th)

I wish everyone a good day! Here are some things to know for today: WEATHER: A storm flows south of Montana, which brings clouds to the Helena region. There will be more sunshine for the hi line. In Great Falls we can mainly expect cloudy sky. Scattered snow showers are probably in the area of … Read more

Antiviral treatment for viral pneumonia: current drugs and natural compounds | Virology Journal

Antiviral treatment for viral pneumonia: current drugs and natural compounds | Virology Journal

When discussing effective treatment strategies for viral pneumonia, besides traditional antiviral drugs, natural components are increasingly gaining attention as adjuvant therapies. These natural components not only possess potential antiviral activity but can,also enhance the body’s immune response, providing additional protection for patients [8, 70]. Table 2 is about natural compounds and their antiviral mechanisms. Here … Read more